In an unexplored vault in Belgrade, the capital of the former Yugoslavia, lies a collection of films known as ‘the non-aligned reels’. On them are images of African and Asian liberation movements and revolutionary leaders that defined the era of the 60s and 70s. How is it that the archive of these revolutions lies on another continent, forgotten in a film archive?
"a visually arresting inquiry into what it takes to envision a new world — and to implode those visions"
Non-Aligned & Ciné-guerrillas
Scenes from the Labudovic Reels two feature-length documentary films, directed by Mila Turajlic Stevan Labudovic, the cameraman of Yugoslav President Tito takes us on an archival road trip through the birth of the Non-Aligned Movement. Revealing his role in filming liberation movements in Africa, he plunges us into the heart of an epic battle of images where cinema gave voice to a decolonizing world. Via a diptych of two feature documentary films, the role of cinema in the birth of the Non-Aligned Movement and in the struggles for independence is explored. |
The non-aligned newsreel collection
A deep-dive into the archival materials of a non-aligned ciné-collaboration and the legacy of the cameramen who filmed them. Started in 2015, it has evolved into a series of performance lectures, video installations and exhibitions, research articles and online content. |